
15 Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategies [Infographics]

Social media has become an indispensable tool for agents and firms looking to promote listings, generate leads, and establish a lasting brand presence. With the power to nurture relationships with potential clients and industry professionals alike, it’s no wonder that social media for real estate has taken centre stage in the modern marketing landscape.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into 15 proven real estate social media marketing strategies to fuel your success. But before we delve into the strategies, let’s take a moment to explore some crazy real estate social media statistics:

Real Estate Social Media Statistics 2023

These eye-opening statistics shed light on the undeniable power of social media in the real estate industry. With a massive 77% of realtors actively using social media and 47% acknowledging it as the source of their highest quality leads, it’s clear that social media is a goldmine for real estate businesses. Furthermore, a staggering 99% of millennials and 90% of baby boomers begin their home search online, emphasizing the significance of a robust social media presence

1. 15% Followback Method

This is a simple and effective strategy, as we have talked about it previously in restaurant’s social media guide, when starting out on social media platforms to kickstart your real estate page’s reach and engagement, The 15% Followback Method is a simple and effective strategy tailored for mainly Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and related platforms.

To apply this formula you first need to find a few of your competitor’s pages who upload content which is similar to the content you post or going to post, so what I want you to do is to begin identifying other real estate pages with similar content or audience targets. Analyse users who have engaged with recent posts on these pages in any form such as likes or comments.

As they already show interest in the type of content you share or planning to share there is a high chance that a good amount of them are going to follow you back and start engaging with your content, on most of the times the average followback is approximately 15%.

Take action by following these users, knowing that approximately 15% of them will follow you back. This mutual interest increases the chances of gaining engaged followers genuinely interested in your real estate offerings.

Rules to keep in mind

For optimal results, focus on very recently uploaded posts, ideally within 10, 15, or 30 minutes, to catch users online and actively engaged, increasing the likelihood of them noticing and following your page.

However, adhere to guidelines to ensure sustainable growth and avoid potential account restrictions. Limit daily follows to 150-300 accounts, as exceeding this may trigger platform algorithms and restrict your account.

As your page gains traction, gradually transition to organic growth and other lead generation strategies while maintaining engagement with your growing community.

Remember, you should only leverage this method primarily in the early stages of your real estate page’s journey. As your page grows, shift focus to other proven lead generation strategies covered in this blog post to continue driving meaningful results.

2. Focus on Social media platforms that work for real estate

Before you start creating and uploading content for your target audience on social media, you will first need to select a platform that works best for your real estate business. You should not focus on every single social media platform out there, you should only leverage all your energy on one or two platforms that work best for your business. 

Discovering the platform that delivers the best results for your business requires some trial and error. This process of experimentation, though, can be time-consuming.

To save you time, we conducted thorough research, Their insights revealed that Facebook and Instagram are the top choices for real estate social media marketing.


Facebook is the cornerstone of real estate social media marketing, Facebook is the largest platform for realtors, as mentioned in the above infographic 89% of real estate agents use Facebook for their business according to the NAR, on average first-time home buyers hang out for an average of 38 minutes a day. Combine this with the fact that Facebook is where a sizable portion of your target audience is.

For instance, on Facebook, businesses can efficiently publish listing-related updates and content, schedule appointments, communicate directly with customers, and manage reviews all within a single platform.

Furthermore, don’t forget about Facebook ads, which is the biggest advertising platform for realtors.


Indeed, after Facebook, Instagram stands out as the second most widely used social media platform among realtors. Its visual-centric nature and popularity make it a compelling choice for showcasing real estate listings and engaging with potential clients. With a user base that continues to grow, Instagram offers real estate professionals a valuable opportunity to expand their reach and build meaningful connections with their audience.

3. Educate homebuyers.

Share valuable tips and lessons learned from your real estate experiences to empower your clients through posts, By sharing valuable insights and educational content, this will position yourself as a trusted authority in the  long run.

If you have a blog, consider writing informative articles packed with home-buying tips, and use your social media platforms to promote them.

4. Social media management packages for real estate.

Having a well-structured social media management package is an absolute must. From creating engaging content to strategic scheduling and in-depth result analysis, we’ve got all aspects covered for you.

Instead of diving into the process of trial and error and slowing down the process; let our expert team handle the intricacies of social media management for you. Whether you need social media management, or running targeted advertising campaigns, we have proven and effective working methods in place to cater to your specific needs.

Checkout our social media management packages or Click here to get started!

5. Utilise The Power of YouTube.

As mentioned in the Infographic above, according to National Association Of Realtors just 26% of the real estate agents use YouTube, this presents a significant missed opportunity, especially when you consider that the platform boasts over 2 billion monthly active users. 

One of the unique advantages of YouTube is its long-form nature, which enables you to create robust and immersive video tours of homes. Unlike other social media platforms, YouTube allows you to showcase properties in detail, giving potential buyers a comprehensive look at what you have to offer.

6. Respond to all comments and DMs.

Homebuyers wants faster response to their questions and quarries today, you should respond to each and every Comment and Direct message you receive. no matter which platform you are utilising whether it is negative or positive, by doing this you show social media algorithms that you’re active and you care about your audience, propelling your growth opportunities on the platform.

Although you should delete and ignore spam bot comments & Dms you should focus on constructive feedback and interested prospects.

Help those seeking information. Many users inquire about listings. Even if one is unavailable, you should guide them towards other attractive properties.

7. Upload home tour Reels & Tiktok.

With Home Tour Reels, you can craft short, engaging videos that take viewers on a virtual journey through the property. Utilize creative transitions, music, and text overlays to highlight the key features and unique selling points of the home. By providing a glimpse of what it feels like to walk through the property, you can generate genuine interest and entice potential buyers to schedule an in-person viewing.

To maximize the impact of your Home Tour Reels and TikTok videos, consider collaborating with influencers or local creators who align with your target audience. Their reach and engagement can help amplify your content and reach a broader audience of potential buyers.

8. Post client testimonials & success stories.

Testimonials act as powerful social proof, instilling trust and confidence in your services among prospective buyers and sellers. So, don’t hesitate to showcase your client’s positive experiences on your social media platforms.

Sharing client testimonials is not a one-time affair. Don’t be afraid to repost them periodically, as not everyone in your audience will see them the first time around, but also don’t make your profile all about testimonials, use a diversed approach with content.

By cycling through testimonials once in every few weeks or months, you keep your profile fresh with authentic feedback, reinforcing the value you bring to your clients.

9. Paid-advertising

Paid-advertising on social media, especially through platforms like Facebook, can be a game-changer for real estate professionals. Surveys indicate that social media is a goldmine for quality leads, with 46% of realtors claiming it as their highest source compared to MLS (30%) and relationship management (26%). 

Considering that a staggering 96% of home buyers search for listings online and 80% of sellers make contact with only one real estate agent before hiring them, increasing the budget for social media advertising becomes imperative.

By strategically allocating your advertising budget and investing in social media advertising, you can significantly increase your online visibility and attract potential clients who are actively searching for properties in your area.

10. Highlight Neighbourhood Features.

it’s not just about selling properties; it’s about helping clients find their ideal home and the perfect neighborhood to match.

it’s essential to go beyond showcasing the properties themselves. Clients are not just buying houses; they are investing in the lifestyle and community that comes with it. 

highlight the unique aspects and features of the neighborhoods where your properties are located.

11. Utilize LinkedIn for Networking

You should actively participate in real estate groups on LinkedIn, you can showcase your expertise, share valuable insights, and engage in meaningful discussions with fellow professionals. This opens up opportunities for collaboration and potential partnerships.

Here are some tips for effectively utilizing LinkedIn for networking in the real estate industry:

Engage in Group Discussions:

Join relevant real estate groups and actively participate in discussions. Share your knowledge, offer helpful advice, and ask thoughtful questions to foster meaningful interactions.

Connect with Potential Clients

Use LinkedIn’s search feature to find potential clients based on location, industry, and other criteria. Send personalized connection requests with a friendly message, expressing your interest in connecting and offering assistance with their real estate needs.

LinkedIn is not just a platform to collect connections, but an opportunity to build meaningful relationships with like-minded professionals. Be genuine, proactive, and consistent in your networking efforts to reap the long-term benefits of expanding your sphere of influence in the real estate industry.

12. Optimize Posting Times.

timing plays a crucial role in reaching and engaging your target audience effectively. Posting content at the right times can significantly impact the performance of your posts and boost overall engagement. Instead of sharing content whenever you feel like it, take advantage of insights and analytics to determine when your audience is most active and receptive to your posts.

Social media platforms provide valuable insights into the behavior of your followers, including when they are most likely to be online and engaging with content. By analyzing your social media data, you can discover patterns in audience activity and identify the optimal times to share your content for maximum impact.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), certain time slots have proven to be more favorable for real estate businesses across different platforms. Here are the suggested best times to post your content:

  • All-around best time: 10 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
  • Facebook: 8 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Instagram: 11 a.m. on Wednesdays
  • Twitter: 8 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays
  • LinkedIn: 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

13. Share Industry News & Market Updates.

Regularly post about market trends, property price fluctuations, and real estate news to keep your audience informed.

Keeping your audience informed about market trends, property price fluctuations, and real estate news is crucial. Regularly sharing market updates on social media helps you showcase your expertise, engage your audience, and build trust and credibility.

14. Host Instagram Live Home Tours.

As you go live, viewers can join the tour and interact with you directly, asking questions and seeking specific details about the property. This interactive aspect of Instagram Live makes it an excellent platform to showcase the best features of each property while addressing any queries that arise on the spot.

A live virtual tour offers several benefits, first it expands your reach beyond local buyers, allowing potential clients from various locations to participate.

Once you conclude the live tour, the content doesn’t disappear into the void. After ending the live broadcast, you can save the video and share it as a post or Story, making it available for viewers who couldn’t attend the live tour.

consider promoting the upcoming tours in advance through Instagram Stories, posts, and other social media channels.

15. Hashtag Optimization

Hashtags are more than just catchy phrases; they are powerful tools that can significantly expand the reach and visibility of your real estate posts on social media.

When selecting hashtags, the key is to strike a balance between relevance, trendiness, and competition. Rather than solely focusing on the most used and famous hashtags, consider diversifying your approach with a carefully curated mix of hashtags. Here’s a winning formula to guide you:

Low Volume Hashtags (10-50k posts):

These hashtags may have a smaller audience, but they also face less competition. Using these niche hashtags allows your posts to stand out among the crowd, reaching a targeted audience interested in specific real estate niches or locations.

Mid-Competition Hashtags (50k-500k posts):

Strike a balance between low and high volume hashtags with this middle tier. Utilizing them allows your posts to reach a broader group of users while still having a decent chance of gaining visibility amidst the competition.

Famous and Trending Hashtags (500k+ posts):

Leveraging popular and trending hashtags can expose your posts to a vast audience and boost your real estate brand’s visibility. While the competition is fierce, these hashtags offer a chance to join larger conversations and potentially attract new followers interested in the latest trends and topics.

To simplify the process of using hashtags, create two to three sets of carefully selected hashtags that resonate with your real estate niche and target audience. Save these sets in a note or document, so you can easily copy and paste them into your posts, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Additionally, you can consider using hashtag tools to identify relevant hashtags for your posts. These tools can provide valuable insights into the popularity, competition, and engagement potential of different hashtags.


Social media has become a game-changer, providing agents and firms with unmatched opportunities to connect, engage, and expand their reach. Throughout this blog post, we’ve explored 15 proven social media marketing strategies, custom-tailored for the real estate industry.

Now, it’s time for you to harness the true potential of social media and take your real estate business to new heights.

If you want us to do it all for you or need help,

Our expert team is ready to handle all the intricacies of social media management, advertising, and content creation for you. Whether you need help with crafting engaging posts, or running targeted campaigns, we’ve got you covered!

Contact us today to get a free proposal!

So, are you ready to take your real estate marketing to new heights with the power of social media? Embrace these 15 working strategies, tailor them to your unique brand, and watch your success soar in the vibrant world of real estate social media marketing. Happy marketing!